Tag Archives: Diaper Knitting

March Socks

28 Mar

I’ve discovered the best sock pattern so far! This one is also from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush. It is the Child’s French Sock in Citron Pattern and Diaper Knitting. Of course, as with all the patterns in this book, the child size has been scaled up to adult size by using larger needles and thicker yarn. Here is the finished article:

I have loved making these socks. The pattern is ideal. It is a simple enough design to accompany TV watching, with no need to refer to the pattern frequently. It has enough variation in each row to maintain interest. The pattern repeat is six rows, which I found just right to encourage me to knit to the end of a pattern repeat, making me get on with it faster, and the pattern also meant that there was no tedious counting of rows to make sure I had each sock at the right length.

I also really like the fact that the toes were Kitchenered,

the heel is a French heel, so has a lovely curve instead of the straight heels I’ve had on the last couple of pairs I’ve made,

and I just love the overall look.

Perfect. I am just so, so pleased with this pair of socks. I was a bit disappointed with the ones I made last month, so I’m thrilled to have now found the best pattern so far.